Page 12:86 Volvo Service Manuals

Service manuals for your Volvo are available for purchase. These
are the same used by competent Volvo technicans. Each major system
in the car is covered by an individual Manual. These are grouped into
ten sections are placed into a five-binder system. (Note that Manuals
and binders may be obtained separately or in preassembled sets.)

Major sections within the five -binder system include: O-General In-
formation; 1-Service and Maintenance Instruction; 2-Engine; 3-Electri-
cal System; 4-Power Transmission; 5-Brakes; 6-Front End and
Steering; 7-frame Suspension and Wheels; 8-Body, 9-Accessories and
Other Equipment.

A service Manual Brochure and Order Form was placed in the car
prior to delivery from the dealer to you. Complete ordering information
is provided.

Please note that these manuals may be offered for sale by your Volvo
dealer. Prices charged by the dealer can be vary from those listed in the
brochure (according to Federal law).

Additional copies of the Brochure and Order Form may be obtained
from your Volvo dealer, or by mail directly from:

Volvo of America Corpoation
Rockleigh Industrial Park
Rockleigh, New Jersey 07647

Attention: Volvo Service Literature

Note that the above pertains to vehicles sold in the U.S.A. only.

Institute logo

Volvo supports Voluntary Mechanic Certification by the N.I.A.S.E.
Certified mechanics have demonstrated a high degree of competence
in specific areas.
Besides passing exams each mechanic must also have worked in the
field for two or more years before a certificate is issued.
These professional mechanics are fully able to analyze vehicle prob-
lems and perform the necessary service procedures to keep your Volvo
at peak operating condition.

Note! The above pertains to USA only.

Text and pictures from owners manual yearmodel 1980

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